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Carte du monde en grains de café et tasse de café qui voyage à travers le monde

Coffee consumption around the world – Rest of the world

How is coffee consumed around the world? – Part 2


Discover the follow-up to our article on how coffee is drunk around the world. Having already discussed the different habits and customs of coffee-drinking in Europe, let’s turn the spotlight on the other continents and the way coffee is consumed there.

Let’s begin our journey with the new continent, the Americas.


The American continent: great diversity between North and South


American & Canadian coffee: light and sparse


American coffee, often called “Americano”, is an espresso blended with hot water. Often referred to as “sock juice” in France and Italy, this coffee is very light: a sort of Italian anti-ristretto. A little originality for New York City: the coffee commonly known as “red eye”, which is an espresso blended directly with filter coffee.


Canada, the world’s third-largest coffee-consuming country, also offers an “Americano” type of coffee. However, variations exist, notably in Quebec, where a typical coffee is served with a blend of whipped cream and maple syrup, an indisputable element of Canadian gastronomy.

Mexican coffee: sweet and spicy


Mexican coffee is amazing ! Called “Café de Olla” in Mexico, it’s THE gourmet coffee par excellence. The word “olla” means earthenware pot in Mexican, as this coffee is traditionally prepared directly over the fire, in a glazed earthenware pot.

Café de olla mexicain

The recipe is simple: boil water, sugar and cinnamon in a saucepan. Once this has been done, add the coffee and leave to infuse before tasting.


Brazilian coffee: a very sweet coffee


Coffee is a serious business in Brazil ! Brazil is the world’s biggest coffee producer, and has been for over 150 years. In this immense country, “cafezinho” is drunk at any time of day.

Cafezinho, café brésilien

It’s black, hot and very sweet. Traditionally, Brazilians prepare this type of coffee with a filter holder called a “mariquinha”, then add a large quantity of sugar.

The African continent: cradle of coffee production


Ethiopian coffee: the origins of coffee


Ethiopia is the world’s sixth-largest coffee producer, but it was here that coffee production was first developed. The ceremony surrounding the tasting of coffee is called the “buna” and is highly codified. The coffee beans are roasted in an earthen vessel and then ground to a powder with a pestle. Once this has been achieved, the powder is passed through three successive baths of scalding water, before being served to guests.

Cafés éthiopiens préparés par une personne âgée

Coffee is often offered to guests: served on the occasion of a party, or consumed daily. If the guest refuses coffee, tea may be served as a substitute.


Moroccan coffee: Kawa, a Moroccan institution


Moroccans are great fans of coffee, which plays an essential role in the culture of Moroccan hospitality. Known as “Kawa”, this coffee can be spiced up to give it a full-bodied flavour, a rather disconcerting taste experience for visiting foreigners.

Kawa sénégalais

Other spices can also be added, depending on the region: cumin, sesame or cloves can be infused into your coffee.


Senegalese coffee: a popular drink


In Senegal, when people talk about coffee, they talk about “touba”. This beverage, which has become very popular in the country, is made from a blend of Arabica coffee with Guinea black pepper, which gives it a stronger aroma and flavor.

Such is its popularity that today, touba is even sold in small plastic cups on the streets of the capital (Dakar) and its outskirts by itinerant traders.

The Asian continent: original and expensive coffees


Indonesian coffee: one of the most expensive in the world


Indonesia is the world’s fourth-largest coffee producer. A former Dutch colony, the Indonesians were not allowed to harvest coffee beans at the time. While cleaning up the plantations, they discovered that the droppings of civets (a mammal closely related to the musk cat) contained coffee beans. The Indonesians then collected, washed and roasted the beans, creating “kopi luwak”.

Kopi Luwak, café le plus cher du monde

This is the most expensive coffee in the world. Once harvested, this coffee is carefully washed and dried in the sun, before being lightly roasted to retain the complex aromas and absence of bitterness earned inside the civet.


Singaporean coffee: a touch of Normandy ?


Singaporean coffee is original: called “Kopi Gu You”, it consists of hot coffee poured into soft butter. Once the butter has melted, the mixture is stirred vigorously to obtain a smooth coffee.

Coffee Butter et sandwich

This coffee is also called “Coffee Butter” by English speakers.


Vietnamese coffee: eggs and sugar!


Behind Brazil, Vietnam is the world’s second-largest coffee producer. It has a surprising coffee called “Cà Phê Trứng“.

Cà Phê Trứng

It’s espresso whipped with egg yolk, topped with condensed milk. It’s a blend that disconcerts foreign travelers accustomed to the bitterness of coffee.

Oceania: a coffee craze


Australian coffee: a recent craze


Australia, the world’s largest island, is part of the Commonwealth. Traditionally, this “island continent” drinks tea the English way. However, Australians began growing coffee almost two centuries ago.

Flat white

Since then, the classic drink at tables in Sydney, Brisbane, Darwin and Melbourne has been a “Flat White”: a double espresso served in a glass with hot milk and milk foam.


Tahitian coffee: a vanilla aroma


Great coffee lovers, the Tahitian people have adapted coffee to their local culture. Coffee is prepared in the morning and then stored in an airtight jar. Tahitians add a vanilla pod to sweeten the coffee, which can be drunk hot or cold, depending on the time of day.

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