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carte du monde réalisée à partir de grains de café kabioca

Coffee consumption around the world – Europe

How is coffee consumed around the world?


As you probably know, coffee is the second most consumed beverage worldwide, just after water. The figures speak for themselves: worldwide, 2.6 billion cups of coffee are drunk every day, and in France alone, 2.3 million cups of coffee are drunk every day!

In this article, we’ll introduce you to the different coffee names and consumption traditions around the world. Let’s start with the old continent: Europe.


Europe: a continent of coffee-drinking diversity!

France and the consumption of its hazelnut coffee


Café noisette à partir d'espresso Kabioca et petits gâteaux

In France, we drink espresso or café noisette. Often called “petit noir” by the working classes in the 50s and 60s, this term has since virtually disappeared. The traditional French breakfast begins with a large bowl of latte, accompanied by toast.


Italian coffee: a true institution


café italien réalisé à partir d'un ristretto Kabioca

In the European imagination, Italian coffee holds a special place. Indeed, Italians often talk about coffee in the same way as the great French sommeliers, with gestures and passion ! Traditionally, Italians drink a ristretto, a very strong coffee. However, for several years now, Cappuccino with creamy milk foam or Marocchino, made with coffee shortened with milk foam and cocoa powder, have been gaining in popularity.


Portuguese coffee: discover the Galão


café portugais réalisé à partir de café espresso kabioca et pasteis de nata

Just like Latte, the Lusitano speciality uses the tried-and-tested codes of ¼ espresso and ¾ milk foam. A little subtlety: to prepare it, first pour the milk foam prepared beforehand into a tall glass using the coffee maker’s steam jet. Once you’ve done this, simply pour in the espresso and enjoy !


Austrian coffee: Vienna and its iconic coffee consumption


café autrichien réalisé à partir d'un double espresso kabioca

Viennese coffee is undoubtedly one of Europe’s best-known coffees. It consists of a single or double espresso, topped with milk beaten with whipped cream, with a final touch of fine chocolate shavings sprinkled on top of the cream. A real institution in Austria, so much so that the “Viennese coffee culture” has been declared an “intangible cultural heritage” by UNESCO since 2011 !


Turkish coffee: a presence in Southern and Eastern Europe and the Middle East


café turc à partir de capsule de café compatible nespresso kabioca

It is prepared in the cezve, a typical copper and brass vessel with a long handle. To prepare it, you need very finely ground coffee. Tradition calls for the use of a brass grinder to obtain an impalpable powder like powdered sugar.
It is drunk from small, low cups, once the powder has completely settled. Traditionally, after drinking, the cup is tipped onto the saucer to read the future in the patterns left by the coffee grounds.


Finnish coffee: the most original way to consume coffee !


Probably one of the most original coffees for us French. Kaffeost is a recipe that originated in Kainuu, Finland. It consists of coffee mixed with cubes of traditional Finnish cheese.


café finlandais à base de dés de fromage et de café Kabioca

Once the coffee is drunk, the melted cheese is tasted with a spoon. A surprisingly original tradition from Northern Europe !


Greek coffee: to be drinked all day long


Greek coffee is made in a small copper pan called a Briki, wide at the bottom, narrower at the top and fitted with a long, straight handle. It is essential that the Briki is narrower at the top, as this allows the coffee to boil quickly.


café grec sur un plateau en metal accompagné de son loukoum

The coffee used is specially ground and sweetened to taste at the time of preparation. Greek coffee can be served in 4 different ways :

  • Sketos: no sugar
  • Metrios: medium-strength, lightly sweetened
  • Varys glykos: strong and very sweet
  • Glykos vrastos: well-sweetened and boiled

This type of coffee is often served with Turkish delight, cookies or candied fruit.

Stay tuned ! In a future article, we’ll tell you how coffee is enjoyed on the other 4 continents: America, Asia, Africa and Oceania will be in the spotlight !

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